our standards

  • Reply to all email requests within 24 hours Monday through Friday
  • Process requests Monday through Friday 8:30 – 4:30PM
  • All templated requests have a maximum 48 hour turnaround time for your first proof.
    Examples; Feature Packages, Postcards, Signage, Social Media Images
  • Custom projects have a minimum turnaround time of 72 hours. We will provide an exact turnaround time once we have a better idea of the time required to complete your custom project.
  • To help you sell houses


support services

Card Campaign

The creation and distribution of physical greeting cards – coordinated start to finish and mailed out to your database on your behalf.  Card Campaigns are typically coordinated for the following occasions: birthdays, home purchase anniversaries & holidays. Have another card distribution idea? Reach out and we’d be happy to help set it up!

  • Coordination for birthday & home purchase anniversary cards begin one month in advance
  • For all other distributions, we will provide an exact turnaround time once the scope of work is assessed.
  • 2-3 weeks is the norm from the start of the project until the greeting cards are in your clients mailbox.

General Social Media Management 

Designed to keep your Facebook & Instagram Business Pages fresh with relevant content on a consistent basis (2 posts/week)!  We will design the visual creative and produce well-versed captions with appropriate hashtags to keep your business top of mind in the social sphere. Weekly content includes: local stat updates, real estate blog posts, DIY suggestions, home decor mood boards, buyer/seller tips & agent requests (i.e. listing-related posts).

  • Custom requests will be processed within 48 hours

Database Set-Up

Let us create a database/SOI to ensure all your clients information, including contact details, interactions, preferences, and any other relevant data is captured all in one place. Specifically we will include client name, current address, birthday, home purchase anniversary date, email address.

  • Typically completed within 2-4 weeks, but we will provide an exact turnaround time once the scope of work is assessed.

Database Maintenance

Ensure your database is kept up to date. At the beginning of each quarter, we will pull your closed deals from the past three months and will add/update your client list accordingly.

  • Updated the first month of each new quarter

Deal Paperwork Assistance

The completion of listing, buying & deal paperwork (WWRI, SDBA/ BDBA, APS, Counter Offer, etc.), for the purposes of communicating documents to the listing department, deal coordinator, clients, lawyers, mortgage brokers and other third parties. Daily monitoring of transaction files to ensure compliance with provincial & federal guidelines. Ensuring all documents are submitted to the office before closing day for timely payout of commission. Sign install requests & ShowingTime setup included.

  • Response within 24 hours

Direct Mail Campaigns

Send physical marketing materials directly to clients or other contacts in your database through regular mail. Examples include: Card Campaigns for birthdays & home purchase anniversaries, seasonal or holiday Pop-Bys, as well as the full distribution of branded Quarterly Stats, accompanied by personalized cover letter – a great tactic for gaining new listings in this low-inventory market!

  • We will provide an exact turnaround time once the scope of work is assessed.
  • The entire process (from design to the distribution in residential weeks is the standard time from design creation to the mail-out.

Listing Promotion Package

This service is designed to promote your listings across digital platforms.  Specifically, the Listing Promotion Package includes: bi-weekly social media posts (both image and caption creation), that are posted directly to your Business Profiles on Facebook and Instagram. We will also create, monitor and repost a Kijiji Ad for your listing on a bi-weekly basis. 
Finally, we will send you a bi-weekly statistic report intended for your clients, providing “hit counts”/click-through numbers of their listing from various websites (i.e. MLS®,, and Kijiji). This report also offers a mini comparative market analysis, highlighting other available and recently sold listings in their area and price point. Interactive links to these like-listings are also included, allowing your clients to view this pertinent information first-hand. The bi-weekly report is an excellent tool to reference when having price adjustment conversations with your clients.

  • New listings on-boarded within 24 hours of a listing going live on MLS.
  • Custom requests processed within 48 hours.

Mail Merge Campaigns

Personalized emails sent to contacts in your database via rlpSPHERE or RLP Gmail. These campaigns include: seasonal messages, market stats, event invitations, or a custom campaign of your choice. Mail merges are a great way to stay connected with those in your database without having to manually compose and send out individual emails. For best results, monthly or quarterly send-offs to your database are encouraged.

  • Minimum turnaround time of 72 hours

Postcard Mailwalk Campaign

Once your postcards are designed and printed, let us help you send them out with a targeted ad mail distribution to local neighborhoods via Canada Post! This is a great way to generate leads, promote listings, and stay top-of-mind with potential clients. For best results, schedule consistent send-offs with our Team to help cultivate a neighbourhood/postal region of your choice.

  • Mail walk campaigns can also be coordinated and postcards dropped off to Canada Post for a fee
  • Turnaround time: 3 weeks from design to residential mailbox distribution

Receipt Management

Need to get your expenses in order on a regular basis or in time for tax season?  Our Team can help you organize, sort, and manage your business receipts electronically, making it easier to track your expenses.

  • We will provide an exact turnaround time once the scope of work is assessed.
  • Typically allow for 2-4 weeks.

Working with Agent Support has been a great help for my business. They are friendly, fast and the Paperwork Service has been a great fit for me!

Bill Covey